The OSM map window is on the "Open Knowledge Conference 2013" website:
The 2013 Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) will take place in Geneva,
Switzerland on 17th-18th September.
The 2013 Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) is jointly organized by the
Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Knowledge Foundation Switzerland with
the support of the Swiss Federal Government, and with Lift Events as an
organizing partner.
We have conducted already two on-the-ground surveys of the area around
the CICG building (fr. Centre International de Conférence de Genève),
which is close to numerous United Nations agencies.
This area of Geneva is our priority now. We plan to make this whole
district completely addressable vie verification surveys during summer
months before the conference.
The link to the conference is placed already at the Event Calendar at
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/. I would suggest to place a similar link
or even a small article at the Swiss OpenStreetMap Association website
http://sosm.ch/ and maybe some other OSM resources.