[Deutsch unten]
Bonjour a tous,
nous voudrions vous rapeller que vous etes invités d'assister ce samedi à
l'assemblée générale du SOSM:
SOSM assemblée générale
samedi, 9 mars 2013, 11 heures
à Restaurant des Gorges, Rue des Gorges 26, Moutier
Nous voudrions vous rappeller aussi que le comité sera reelu et que
nous sommes encore en recherche des candidates. Les fonctions du caissier
et de l'attaché de presse sont libre en ce moment et en plus Stephane Henriod
preferait céder son poste. Il sera important qu'on maintient un ou plusieurs
voix romands aux comité.
Nous espérons que vous viendrez nombreux.
Sarah Hoffmann
(au nom de comité SOSM)
Liebe SOSM-Mitglieder,
dies ist eine kleine Erinnerung an die Generalversammlung, die am nächsten
Samstag in Moutier stattfindet:
SOSM Generalversammlung
Samstag, 9. März 2013, 11 Uhr
im Restaurant des Gorges, Rue des Gorges 26, Moutier
Alle Mitglieder sind herzlich dazu eingeladen. Wir möchten an dieser Stelle
auch noch einmal daran erinnern, dass zu dieser Gelegenheit der Vorstand neu
gewählt wird, wofür wir noch Kandidaten suchen. Die Posten des Kassiers und
des Pressesprechers müssen neu besetzt werden und Stephane Henriod würde
seinen Vorstandsposten wegen Zeitmangel ebenfalls gerne zur Verfügung stellen.
Über Freiwillige würden wir uns freuen.
Auf zahlreiches Erscheinen hoffend
Sarah Hoffmann
(im Namen des SOSM-Vorstands)
Dear SOSM members,
we cordially invite you to the 2013 Annual General Meeting of the
Swiss OpenStreetMap Association which will take place
on Saturday, 9th March 2013, 11am
in Restaurant des Gorges, Rue des Gorges 26, Moutier
You will find the full agenda attached below. After the meeting
there will be an informal lunch and a mapping party.
As part of the board election, the association will need at least to
elect a new treasurer, as Thomas Ineichen is no longer available. However,
we would welcome further candidates for all positions and hope that
for 2013 we can have a board that represents well the diversity of
We hope to see many of you in Moutier.
Kind regards
Sarah Hoffmann
Agenda for the 2013 Swiss OpenStreetMap Association Annual General Meeting
9th March 2013, 11am, Restaurant des Gorges, Moutier
1. Opening and Welcome
2. Election of the minute taker and vote counters
3. Adoption of minutes of the founding meeting
4. Activity report 2012
5. Financial results 2012
- Presentation by the president
- Auditors report
6. Membership fees 2013
7. Budget 2013
8. Elections
- Board (The association needs to elect at least a new treasurer,
however, candidates for all positions are welcome.)
- Auditors
9. Any other business
thanks to everybody who participated in the Doodle poll for the AGM date.
The results are fairly clear. So, this is a preliminary announcement that
this year's general assembly for SOSM will take place
Saturday, 9th March 2013 in Moutier
We have choosen Moutier because it is easily accesible and offers plenty
of opportunities for mapping. Note that we are still looking for suitable
accomodation for the AGM meeting, so the location may still change if
nothing is available in Moutier.
An official announcement with further details will follow in the next days.
We hope to see many of you there.
Kind regards
during the last board meeting we shortly discussed the organisation of the
general assembly which should take place in February or March. We feel that
this is a good opportunity for all of us to get to know each other better
and therefore we would like to organize this as a half-day event on a
Saturday afternoon with the AGM proper followed by a mapping party.
To make sure that as many of you as possible can participate, I've set
up a doodle for finding a convenient date:
Your input is not binding, it just helps us with the planning if you could
enter your availabilities as soon as possible.
We have not yet decided for a location. In fact, we'd like to hear if you
have any good proposals. It should be a place that can be easily reached
for all members. So it should be somewhere half-way between
Zurich/Luzern/Lausanne and be reachable by public transport. There needs
to be a place where we can hold the AGM and, naturally, it should be still
a white spot on the OSM map.
We're looking forward to hear your suggestions and also any other comments
and ideas.