Dear SOSM members,
we cordially invite you to the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the
Swiss OpenStreetMap Association which will take place
on Saturday, April 18th 2015, 11am
in the
Lago Lodge, Uferweg 5, CH-2560 Nidau
You will find the full agenda attached below. After the meeting
there will be an informal lunch and a mapping party. If you already
know that you will be attending, could you please indicate so for
planning purposes by e-mail to info(a)
We hope to see many of you in Nidau.
Kind regards
Simon Poole
Agenda for the 2015 Swiss OpenStreetMap Association Annual General Meeting
Saturday, April 18th 2014, 11am,
Lago Lodge, Uferweg 5, CH-2560 Nidau
1. Opening and Welcome
2. Election of the minute taker and vote counters
3. Adoption of minutes of the 2014 AGM
4. Activity report 2014
5. Financial results 2014
- Presentation by the treasurer
- Auditors report
6. Membership fees 2015
7. Budget 2015
8. Elections
- Board (candidates for all positions are welcome.)
- Auditors (note Otto Wyss will no longer be available)
9. Trade registry registration
9. Application for OSMF Local Chapter Status
10. Any other business
Supporting documents will follow in separate mail.
Dear SOSM and and community members
The 2015 annual general meeting will take place, as previously
announced, on Saturday the 18th April in Biel-Bienne (actually the
location is in Nidau), at 11:00.
The venue will be the Lago Lodge, which is roughly 700m from the Biel
main station:
As always we will have the short formal part before lunch and after
lunch go out and map a bit.
Naturally all interested parties are welcome to the lunch and mapping
party. It would be helpful if however both the SOSM members and others
would indicate if they intend to come by mail to info(a) , we have
limited space and need to inform the venue roughly how many participants
we are expecting.
A further note: the board is actively looking for more members to step
up and help with board matters, particularly members from the French and
Italian speaking regions of Switzerland. The board meets per voice
conference once per month (mumble) and most of the time the work load is
light. If you want to help spreading the word on OSM, please contact me
The formal agenda for the AGM will be published early April.
Looking forward to meeting you in Biel.
Liebe SOSM und Community Mitglieder
Die jährliche Generalversammlung der SOSM wird 2015, wie schon
angekündigt in Biel-Bienne stattfinden, genau gesagt eigentlich in
Nidau, um 11:00.
Der Veranstaltungsort ist die Lago Lodge, ungefähr 700m vom Bahnhof Biel
Wie immer werden wir nach dem kurzen formellen Teil, zu Mittag essen und
dann etwas Mappen gehen.
Natürlich sind alle Interessierten zum Mittagessen und Mapping-Party
willkommen. Es wäre allerdings hilfreich wenn alle Teilnehmer uns kurz
mitteilen können ob sie beabsichtigen teilzunehmen, es hat beschränkt
Platz und wir sollten den Betreiber der Lago Lodge mindestens grob
mitteilen wie viele Leute anwesend werden.
Noch ein Hinweis: der Vorstand sucht aktiv weitere Mitglieder die im
Vorstand mithelfen, speziell solche aus der Französisch und Italienisch
sprechenden Schweiz. Der Vorstand trifft sich einmal pro Monat
elektronisch (mumble) und meistens ist die Arbeitsbelastung sehr klein.
Wenn du mithelfen willst OSM bekannter zu machen, melde dich bitte
direkt bei mir.
Die offizielle Agenda für die GV wird Anfangs April verfügbar sein.
Ich freue mich euch in Biel zu treffen.
Dear SOSM Members
We've fixed a date for this years annual general meeting, Saturday April
the 18th. In discussion the board felt that it would be nice to hold a
SOSM event once in the Ticino. However given that this substantially
increases the travel time, we would probably want to make this a two day
event (with the AGM on the Saturday). Alternatively we would likely do a
conventional AGM plus mapping party in Bienne/Biel.
Before we cast this in stone, could we get some feedback from the
membership? Particularly if you would attend an event in Ticino.
Happy mapping!
[The subject matter is only of interest for German speakers as of now]
Liebe Mitglieder,
der SOSM Vorstand wurde angefragt ob er ein Projekt an der
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt unterstützen würde bei dem es um eine
Umfrage zur Motivation von OSM-User geht. Essentiell soll die Umfrage an
einer kleinen Gruppe zuerst getestet werden, bevor eine grössere Gruppe
angegangen wird. Da es auch im Interesse des ganzen OSM Projektes ist
den Antrieb unserer Mapper besser zu verstehen, haben wir zugesagt die
Umfrage an unsere Mitglieder als Testgruppe weiterzuleiten.
Natürlich ist die Teilnahme völlig freiwillig.
Die Umfrage findet sich unter
Danke an alle die mitmachen.
Simon Poole
Calling all OSM editors!
Help improve OpenStreetMap for the United States and earn points. The
editor with the most points wins a brand new tablet (iPad mini, Galaxi
Contest dates: February 11, 2014 – March 11, 2014
Registration at
More information at Event Calendar at or
Send questions to osmcontest(a)
Oleksiy (Alex-7)
Hello Shaun,
The "date of data generation" in metadata section of the wiki page for
this image was corrected. Thank you!
On 09.06.2013 11:48, Shaun McDonald wrote:
> Is there some form of time warp as the data and time of data generation is: "22:41, 8 June 2012" in the metadata?
> Shaun
> On 9 Jun 2013, at 04:44, Oleksiy Muzalyev <oleksiy.muzalyev(a)> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Uploaded a group photo from the State Of The Map U.S. 2013 and a photo of the opening of the conference on the page:
>> Photos are in an HD format, 2 MB each.
>> It was quite a challenge to make a photo of more than 400 participants.
>> brgds,
>> Oleksiy
>> _______________________________________________
>> osmf-talk mailing list
>> osmf-talk(a)
Hello Harry,
The photos, which I published at this wiki page , were
made by me with my camera. It was released in the public domain.
On 09.06.2013 15:08, Harry Wood wrote:
> Good stuff Oleksiy. I was hunting for photos yesterday and thinking about picking one as 'Image of the week'
> (Was expecting some more use of the 'sotmus' tag: )
> Just now I finally found a bunch of great photos published by the 'openstreetmapus' user: Really great photos.
> ...but I'll have to check whether "Photo copyright Justin R. Miller" in the description means "Photo CC-BY-SA Justin R. Miller"
> Harry
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Oleksiy Muzalyev <oleksiy.muzalyev(a)>
> To: osmf-talk(a); members(a)
> Cc:
> Sent: Sunday, 9 June 2013, 4:44
> Subject: [Osmf-talk] a group photo of 400+(!) participants of the State Of
> The Map U.S. 2013, San Francisco
> Hello,
> Uploaded a group photo from the State Of The Map U.S. 2013 and a photo
> of the opening of the conference on the page:
> Photos are in an HD format, 2 MB each.
> It was quite a challenge to make a photo of more than 400 participants.
> brgds,
> Oleksiy
> _______________________________________________
> osmf-talk mailing list
> osmf-talk(a)
Uploaded a group photo from the State Of The Map U.S. 2013 and a photo
of the opening of the conference on the page:
Photos are in an HD format, 2 MB each.
It was quite a challenge to make a photo of more than 400 participants.
The OSM map window is on the "Open Knowledge Conference 2013" website:
The 2013 Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) will take place in Geneva,
Switzerland on 17th-18th September.
The 2013 Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) is jointly organized by the
Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Knowledge Foundation Switzerland with
the support of the Swiss Federal Government, and with Lift Events as an
organizing partner.
We have conducted already two on-the-ground surveys of the area around
the CICG building (fr. Centre International de Conférence de Genève),
which is close to numerous United Nations agencies.
This area of Geneva is our priority now. We plan to make this whole
district completely addressable vie verification surveys during summer
months before the conference.
The link to the conference is placed already at the Event Calendar at I would suggest to place a similar link
or even a small article at the Swiss OpenStreetMap Association website and maybe some other OSM resources.